Here are my top 5 tips for exercising safely in your first trimester:
If you’re going through IVF or having a "high-risk" pregnancy, ask your specialist's thoughts on exercising because any decisions about this will be in the hands of your medical care team. For the vast majority of pregnant people having a low-risk pregnancy though, exercise should form part of their daily routine.
Exercising during your first trimester has not been linked to miscarriage. People around you may talk you out of exercising and the only person qualified to answer this question is a trained pre/postnatal exercise expert. If you were a regular exerciser before you got pregnant and you're having a low risk pregnancy then carrying on exercising will give your baby a great start in life.
Contrary to common belief, there are very few exercises that need modifying during the first trimester. The advice is simple: carry on as normal, energy levels pending. If you regularly swim, jog, walk, go to the gym, attend a fitness class or play a sport, here's your permission slip to carry on.
Take frequent sips of water, and have a water bottle on your desk, in your bag, or a glass on the kitchen bench waiting to be filled every time you walk into the kitchen. Drinking water helps form amniotic fluid, carry nutrients and flush out toxins in your system, so take a sip of water now.
Nanna naps, getting home from work and collapsing, and zoning out whilst in meetings at work are all too common during the first trimester. Some pregnant women are SO incredibly fatigued during those first 12 weeks, so if you finish work and feel like collapsing, then respect your body's signals. It’s all about striking the right balance, so if you can’t face the gym in the evening, then go for a walk at lunch time. If you can’t drag yourself out of bed for an early morning workout, consider heading to the gym after work instead.
So, to summarise, I'd recommend you: carry on with your current exercise regime (low-risk pregnancy), drink plenty of water, get adequate rest and listen to your body.